The Top Eight Reasons you should come by the Arisia 2009 Masquerade Table early in the convention
8. You can take care of all the annoying paperwork early so you can finish your costume in your hotel room. [Remember: All members of your entry who will be on stage must sign these forms.]
7. To visit with Stage Manager to prepare for the best possible Tech Support.
6. So that you might get the Tech Rehearsal slot you want. [All members of your entry who will be on stage MUST be at your Tech Rehearsal.]
5. To fix the errors introduced in your pre-registration by the automation process - those pesky little gnomes in the machine.
4. If you discovered that you left a key part of your costume at home, or need a special prop, we may be able to help you figure out an alternative.
3. To tell us that you couldn't find appropriate music for your entry, or didn't put it onto a recordable CD yourself. We may be able to help you if you're early enough.
2. If you're wearing something interesting, you might win a Hall Costume Award.
1. You'll have time for that One Final Rehearsal that positively guarantees that you'll Shock and Awe the audience and the Judges into giving your costume scads of awards.
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