4/4/09: The Official Arisia '09 Masquerade video is available for sale online at: https://www.createspace.com/263563 [1]
1/20/09: If you have comments, please fill out our Comment Form [2].
The Marriott/Kendall Shuttle stop has been MOVED to Main St. at the Kendall Square T station
(near Marriott, opposite side of hotel from motor entrance on Broadway)
1/15/09: It's going to be COLD this weekend, please read our page on .
1/15/09: Online registration is closed. See you at the con!
1/12/09: A PalmOS version of the schedule is now available [3].
1/9/09: We've added a Circus Dance Extravaganza [4] on Friday.
1/8/09: The entire convention schedule [5] is now online.
1/8/09: The Gaming Schedule [6] is online now.
1/3/09: The Films [7] and Video and Anime [8] room schedules are now up.
1/1/09: The Arisia Masquerade [9] pages are now up, and online registration is now available!
10/11/08: Programming's Brainstorm list is closed for the year.
9/23/08: Arisia Rates go up on October 1st! Get your registration in now [10] and beat the price increase!
9/23/08: Info is now up on gaming [11] and Travel and Parking [12].
8/31/08: See the Hotel Info page [13] and make your hotel reservation!
8/24/08: Jim Belfiore's Arisia TV [14] productions are now on the Web!
8/24/08: Advertising Rates and Info [15] for Arisia 09 Publications are now available.
7/1/08: Information on the annual Heinlein Society Blood Drive [16] is now available!
[1] /
[2] /CommentForm
[3] /
[4] /circus
[5] /
[6] /gamingSchedule
[7] /films
[8] /video
[9] /masq-main
[10] /reg-info
[11] /gaming
[12] /travel_parking
[13] /
[14] /ArisiaTV
[15] /AdRates
[16] /blooddrive